Generation Gaps

We got a lot of advice from the previous generation (or generations). We ignored a lot of that advice. At some point, we starting giving that *same* advice to a subsequent generation (or generations). Why do we think they’ll listen when we didn’t?


For the most part, didn’t we learn the most from ignoring the advice and then proceeding to fail and fall flat on our faces? What makes us think the next generation is going to do things differently? If we can’t convey how our failures came to pass, we cannot possibly hope to avoid our history repeating itself.


Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. “Don’t have sex before marriage, don’t do drugs, and don’t listen to that devil-music!” So we have sex with our girlfriends, experiment with drugs, and party all night to rock-and-roll. Some of us survived to realize our mistakes and live smarter going forward. How can we take what we learned from our mistakes and actually use that to benefit those that follow? In other words, how can we make younger generations listen to all the advice that we ignored ourselves? And for how many thousands of years have people been asking that same question????

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